Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

Young lesbian dating experiences – Anna 20/11/2022
I am a young college age woman, and like many college age people I’m looking to have some sexual experiences (...)
110. Anonymous 18/09/2022
When I was at uni I was new to the world of LGBT and looking to make new friends. I made a friend online who was a trans woman (...)
107. Anonymous 01/06/2022
This is my first time talking about this experience that I had (...)
106. Anonymous 19/04/2022
When I was 15, I started first identifying as a trans man (...)
Second-hand testimony from Hannah 19/04/2022
In 2019, I dated a woman who was best friends & roommates with her ex-girlfriend, who happens to be a trans identified male (...)
105. Anonymous 15/04/2022
Travelling in India three years ago with partner (...)
104. Anonymous 17/04/2022
In my class, there is a TIM (...)
103. P. 16/04/2022
When I was around 17 I was used as an entertainment by almost 60 year old man (...)
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