Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

102. Maël 14/04/2022
There have been many instances of sexual violence towards me since I came out (...)
101. Anonymous 12/04/2022
I have as a lesbian experienced constant harassment from guys (...)
100. Amber 13/04/2022
This one is short. A former employer of mine told me (...)
99. 06/04/2022
I'm a 29yo lesbian who has been out for most of my life (...)
98. 04/04/2022
Après plusieurs années à me cacher à cause des remarques homophobes de mes collègues (...)
97. 03/04/2022
Just this past week we had to hire a plumber to come to our home (...)
96. Anonymous 02/04/2022
I was 18 and I went to a night club for the first time (...)
95. 01/04/2022
I got a job as a professor at a university, and was new and not yet tenured (...)
94. Anonymous 27/03/2022
I always felt an attraction towards females from a young age (...)
93. Anonymous 26/03/2022
I used to drive a taxi and would constantly (...)
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