Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

78. 07/03/2022
Please don’t dismiss my response for not using the right pronouns (...)
77. Anonymous 25/02/2022
As 14-15yo girl i met student (around 23yo) (...)
74. Erin 16/02/2022
The friend of a friend gay guy with us in a group (...)
70. Anonymous 12/01/2022
1) Various negative physical experiences with gay/bi men in UK gay bars/clubs (...)
65. Nia M.10/11/2021
It happened about 25 years ago. I was in a bar called Buddies in Chicago. Buddies was a male gay bar (...)
62. Sabine 22/11/2021
I was at a carnival parade with my then-girlfriend (...)
59. Anonymous 21/11/2021
I have often been accused of being a man hater. A man hating dyke (...)
51. Jo 06/11/2021
When I was first coming out, I travelled to San Francisco (...)
40. Sara G
I have had abusive experiences from men my whole life too many incidents to mention (...)
35. S 13/07/2021
When I was young I did not fully realise that I'm a lesbian and I identified as bisexual. My family kicked me out of the house for coming out as bisexual and I was homeless for three to four years as a child for that (...)
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