Exposing Male Violence Against Lesbians

Lesbian Testimonies

107. Anonymous 01/06/2022
This is my first time talking about this experience that I had (...)
95. 01/04/2022
I got a job as a professor at a university, and was new and not yet tenured (...)
86. Anonymous 20/03/2022
A trans identified man hit on me in a private message (...)
76. Anonymous 25/02/2022
when i was around 16 in 2019, I had met an online friend (...)
75. Anonymous 25/02/2022
in freshman year of highschool I was threatened with rape (...)
73. Anonymous 12/02/2022
My first experience with a trans-identified male was when I was in 6th grade (...)
70. Anonymous 12/01/2022
1) Various negative physical experiences with gay/bi men in UK gay bars/clubs (...)
69. Anonymous 19/12/2021
A bloke in a chippy one night said he'd pay my then girlfriend and I to kiss (...)
68. Anonymous 19/12/2021
I will start off with the things he had done to me and another person (...)
67. Kristina 12/12/2021
This happened in July last year. I’ve been friends with Jack (...)
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